Qigong: A Dynamic Meditation That Transforms Your Body, Breath, and Mind
Qigong literally means “cultivation of Energy (prana)”, is a type of internal martial art, which promotes health and spiritual development.
What is qigong?
The word Qigong consists of two words: Qi (Chi) and gong (kung). Qi can be ruffly translated as Energy, Prana or vital force. Still, it is not a very accurate translation, so better experience Qi, get familiar with it and then it can be understood. If you have heard about Reiki, then Qi is the same as syllable Ki in Reiki, or Aikido. Gong or Kung – can be translated as cultivation of skill, so it is the same Kung as in Kung fu.
Qigong, sometimes called Chinese Yoga, is a training method that encompasses meditation, slow fluid movement and natural breathing. You can think about Qigong as it is gentle Yoga, simple and accessible for any age and level. It’s based on the idea that our body is full of energy, but we are not really aware of it. By moving gently in accordance with the natural breath, we can release the tensions and blockages in the body, so the Qi can flow freely and fluidly. By practicing Qigong we begin to notice this energy and finally allow this Energy to lead our bodies in the is required.
Benefits of qigong
Qigong encourages relaxation, increases physical strength, helps as back to natural breathing, reduces blood pressure, improves lymph circulation, and can aid in a variety of medical conditions. For example, it has been linked with healing cancer cells, curing kidney stones, curing diabetes, and even treating erectile dysfunction. One of the most common uses of qigong is as a treatment for digestive disorders. It can increase blood flow to the digestive tract and improve gut health and digestion. Additionally, Qigong can help with the pain. The mind-body connection is an important one when it comes to pain, and qigong has a significant effect on the body’s physical, mental, and emotional health.
Himalayan Qigong in India
Unfortunately, in India Qigong is not yet so popular as in other countries. But it slowly changes, as per our experience once people try Qigong they fall in love with the practice.
Our school is located in Rishikesh, India, a place, known as the Yoga capital of the world. In our classes we combine the ancient Qigong movement with modern Yoga and knowledge of western anatomy. You can access our drop-in Qigong classes in Rishikesh or join our Himalayan Qigong retreats and Tai Chi Shibashi workshops in other parts of India. We also conduct group and private Qigong classes online as well as corporative seminars per request.
Contact us for more information.